You may here the phrases "pay it forward" and what you give away comes back to you a thousand times. These come down to being generous with what you've got, and also giving away the things that are most precious to you.
If you want more money you should give away a portion of your income each month. Don't give it all away, or how else are you going to pay your bills. Give a percentage to a good cause.
But, does this work?
Many millionaires recommend this generosity as a technique that will get the unseen forces of the world to come to your aid. But, the key is to do it with belief and faith that good things will happen to you.
You need to do this consistently. If you give to a charity one month, then are penny pinching the next month, some good things may happen but you won't make the progress you'd like -- it will judder along, moving a few steps forward, and a few back.
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