
Coffee is Good for You?

Drinking coffee may be good for you. That's the findings of Joe A. Vinson, a chemistry professor at the University of Scranton, in Pennsylvania.

Coffee Top Source of Antioxidants

Too much caffeine - from coffee, tea or carbonated cola drinks - can have a detrimental effect on your health, but you should exercise moderation. Do not drink coffee exclusively! Mix coffee with weaker tea, and a good proportion of water, and you should have nothing to worry about.

I enjoy drinking coffee everyday so I have to say that news articles like this make me feel better about myself. This is in contrast to the numerous reports over the last few years saying that coffee was bad for you, and if you wanted to live a healthy lifestyle you should cut down on your caffeine intake.

Depending on your lifestyle I would guess that anything from 3 to 6 cups a day is ok. Anything above this and you're risking becoming caffeine dependent.

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