
Notts AC Easter 10k at Wollaton Park

The Notts AC Easter 10k is run round the grounds of Wollaton Park in Nottingham. It's a good off-road run mainly across parkland and on paths; the advantage is that there are no cars to contend with; the disadvantage is that there are pedestrians and dogs, and some of them are oblivious to runners going round the park!

It is not a pb course either. There are several sharp hills, and if you enjoy running the first lap you are sure to feel the hills the second time around. It's a well organised friendly race, though, and I did enjoy it. A total of 342 runners finished the run - one runner may not have finished because halfway round my second lap a female marshall was running round asking where a runner had fallen down - all I could do was shrug as I continued running as quickly as I could.

A bloke tripped over just behind me as well, and tumbled onto the dirt track. There were gasps of "Oh, my God!" from the few spectators. I glanced over my shoulder to see him picking himself up and carrying on.

Well, I ran just over 40 minutes, and considering the course I'm pleased with the time, though I was hoping to run quicker! As I was coming down the final hill towards the finish the crowd started to shout the name of the runner just behind me. After a quick glance around I put in a final burst, sprinted through the line, and beat him by a clear second.


payless said...

I was the guy who fell to cries of 'Oh my god' (number 32)
Was tempted to call it a day at end of first lap - fell quite hard, tripped over a tree root, and hurt my left shoulder and hips.
However managed to struggle in at 28th place in 41mins 54 secs!!!

Matthew Russell said...

Hope you've recovered well now, and looking forward to your next race. It shakes you up a lot falling like that, and unfortunately the ground was quite hard. Are you doing London or another marathon next Sunday?