
Shakespeare Marathon Report 2014

I was initially disappointed as I saw the clock near the finish line - 3:16 and so many seconds! Despite training with dedication over the last few months I still hadn't managed to go under 3:15. But, there are several reasons to be positive and to think this wasn't such a bad result after all.

If I'd finished 76 seconds quicker I would have been pleased that I had achieved my objective and gained a London marathon Good For Age qualifying time. Given the Shakespeare marathon course, and especially the finish it is possible that over a different course I could have run a minute or two quicker.

The finish can see you losing precious seconds as you are directed down a narrow footpath. I had to shout at two small groups, who may have been walking the half marathon, that I was coming through and to mind their backs.

You also run quite a few miles off-road on the Greenway that is muddy in places. As I was in the final few miles there was a supporter on a mountain bike cycling alongside a runner and giving him Lucozade. The bike got out of the way as I came through but nevertheless he shouldn't have been there, and could have caused delay or worse.

On the positive side I did finish very strongly, and did not feel wiped out in the same way that I have after other marathons. The only thing that slowed my sprint at the finish was a twinge in my calf that went away as soon as I changed the way my foot was landing. Clearly getting up on your toes and pushing as fast as possible after 26 miles is not recommended.

I realise that to run quicker I will have to do more running at tempo pace. Due to work and family commitments most of my harder running was at threshold, and as the marathon got nearer I did not seem to have time for faster work as well. I was getting stronger I could see that, and faster, but to be sure of a sub 3:15 I will have to do weekly tempo as well.

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