
Find the focus

The need for focus in life is critical to success.

I can say I am at a crossroads where looking back on the last 10 years I have achieved a great deal in terms of travelling ( to Czech Republic, to Germany,Poland and Slovakia), and in finding my 'soulmate'.

Plus, I have 2 dogs and 4 cats. A great achievement!

Yet, I am not fulfilled. A relationship, having pets, having the time for myself, and to go running are all important to me. But what is just as important is to feel valued in the job you do, to exercise your brain in your job, to interact positively with others in the workplace, and to earn a good amount of money.

Not to feel undervalued, that a chimpanzee could do the job, that thinking is dangerous because they will get rid of you.

I need a new mental challenge that will take me to where I want to be in 10 years time. No financial worries, a group of friends and associates, a list of running achievements, and the knowledge that my thoughts and brain are making a difference in the world. ( And helping others in some way.)

I need something to focus on that I will enjoy, and will earn good money from. There have been times in my life where I had this focus. Studying for the entrance exam to Oxford University;redoing 2 A-levels in one year with a different syllabus, and gaining top grades;training for the marathon in 1992 & 1993, and studying for my finals in the same year. (When I could find the time-- ie. when I wasn't running!)

And I have to say that these were the most fulfilling times of my life. Yet, since then I have pretty much drifted around. I have a wonderful girlfriend, and 6 wonderful pets, and a nice place to live-- I have so many things that other people don't have!

Indeed, I have a very comfortable life. I could go to a local factory, bring home the bacon, go running, sit in front of the tv, surf the internet, have a few beers, and many people would be happy. I'm happy with all that, though I do need something else as well to challenge my mind, body and soul.(!!!)

A new project. Not sure what it is, though I'll let you know when I find out. That's the project for this week.

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