
View from overseas

My sister & husband have been touring in the States for the last few weeks. They've visited Death Valley, Yosemite, Las Vegas, & San Francisco in a camper van. An excellent trip I can imagine-- they've seen snow as well as sunshine and sand.

I visited New York, Philadelphia, Montreal, Quebec City, and Washington DC. around 8 years ago now, and would love to go back. One goal is to return for a holiday, as well as visiting Australia.

Funny how the world works. I visited Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, and the USA, and my friend Trevor worked in Hull, on the east coast of the UK. Later, he went to teach in South Africa; he's now working in Australia.

I'm now seemingly rooted in the UK. I want to go to Australia and the USA, but it's seems quite a way off actually achieving this.

I will get there, it'll just take time!

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