
You know how easy it is to turn a computer on, and how easy it is to send an email. So, making money online should be just as easy shouldn't it?

This is the mentality that many online businesses, schemes and plans take advantage of. Many of them dont even claim to be businesses, they are just ways to make money. They're advertised on grounds like "bring just one person in, do no work, and watch us build a fantastic downline & income for you.."

Compelling stuff. Enough to make you want to whip out your credit card, or use someone else's card.

Even good solid businesses make it sound so simple to earn money. This is the fault of the internet. When we surf we don't read in the same way we would when reading a newspaper. You skim down the screen, and notice when it says WE GUARANTEE SUCCESS, but take less notice of the paragraphs that talk about the work and effort involved.

Scam artists abound online because it's really easy to hide behind a webpage, and email address. And no matter how many warnings people give some people will be taken advantage of. We need to look very closely into any business you become involved in, and the people involved. Do just as much investigation as you would if you were starting an offline business.

Even then you may make some mistakes, but don't let your mistakes stop you from taking action until you find the business you're looking for.

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