
What have I been up to? (Or reasons for not posting here.)

I admit it I have neglected this blog for the past month. So much so that one person has written to me saying how much they miss reading my thoughts, and posting their comments. (You know who you are!)

My reason is not simply that I've been busy, though I have. If I'd simply been busy I could have dropped by here three times a week and put down some comments. No, I suppose it has to do with my new job. The main thing I do for 8 hours a day is stare at a computer screen, and save and file emails. So, after doing that all day I want to escape from the computer, and no longer have the desire to switch the computer on when I get in.

This has been good because I have found more time to run and walk the dogs. Because it can be addictive going on the internet, and seemingly drain all your time away.

I've just got back from a slow/steady run for 1 hour 20 minutes around the woods in and around Clumber Park. Felt good all the way round -- and as though I could have run for longer when I finished.

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