
Have You Got a Book Inside You?

They say that everyone has a book inside them. Does that mean that if you look inside your body you'll discover a book lodged inside? Is that why you don't feel well? Is that why everyone you know doesn't feel well? (No, it's due to the sorry state of most people's thoughts, which is compounded by a constant diet of television news and soap operas.)

But if everyone has a book inside them, how come most people haven't written one? Life gets in the way, and then the book you imagined is written by someone else. Or you have no desire to write a book.

What kind of book are we talking about here? Too many people think about books as novels when there are so many other kinds of books. And in the 21st century books are more likely to be electronic, and there is a huge market for non fiction e-books.

So, look at what interests you and write an e-book on that. Everyone could have an e-book inside them after all.

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