
Innovative Internet Advertising


Hope you're well. I haven't posted here all March because I've been busy updating my new weblog, MySTAbusiness

Been posting short informative articles every day (except I missed yesterday...!)Think it looks good so far. No, this is not a business opportunity-- it's an innovative internet business whose time has come. In the next year or 2 it will gain in popularity. It will become huge because it's based on the principle of helping others-- doing to others what you would like done to you.

Unlike other internet businesses (call them "programs" if you like because they are more akin to games than businesses) the founder is not about to disappear at the first hint of trouble. Having made millions, and indeed paid out over $100 million to affiliates, he would have closed shop last year and made off with the money. Because after the highs of the first few years last year was a difficult period.

Anyway, a new more sustainable business has been created based around the sale of online advertising to major businesses, and anyone with who needs to advertise! Check out the retail site HERE

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