
Police, birds and animals....

I drive round the same corner each morning doing my paper round. This morning a car pulled out in front of me without looking( not too bad, but if he'd waited 10 seconds, and looked before turning...), and then drove on or below the speed limit. He then turned right into the police station. I thought perhaps he was a police officer! And the cheek of him stopping me from speeding like that.

Last week a pigeon didn't get out of the way as I was speeding down this street, and he nearly ruined the front bumper with all his feathers stuck to it. Don't think he'll be flying very soon. He was just walking around in the middle of the road, he must've been deaf or something because he only started to fly as I was right upon him, then splat. It sounds funny, but I'm an animal lover so I was a bit upset really.

Talking about animals. Yesterday morning one of our cats brought a ginormous rodent back to the house. A dead one. He meowed pitifully through the catflap, which got all the other cats attention. He got mine as well because I thought there must be something wrong. Anyway, when I went outside I saw he had a large vole or mouse ( looked big enough to be a rat, but it didn't look like a rat). Other cats were closing in on him...so I took it off him and put it in the bin.

Such suspense and drama, don't you think?

I felt fit yesterday before going for a run. After around 45 minutes of good running my left hamstring started to twinge, and this forced me to run very slowly back home wishing I was there already. Ordered a pair of tights specially designed to help your muscles recover from Skinsuk. They are designed in Australia originally for their fast bowlers. Lots of other athletes endorse them, and Paula Radcliffe's name is on their site as someone who users them. Should arrive in a few days. Also, bought a couple of lycra shorts to protect my hamstring from Decathlon in Nottingham.

Had a good fast run of half an hour the day before, so it was disappointing to be injured again. Have to take it easier for a few weeks.

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