
Everyday Paraphenalia......

Been a while since my last post, but it's easier to do other things than to sit down and write. Easier to spend money and surf sites and spin your wheels than to put your thoughts on paper. My friend Jeff has reminded me I have a duty to keep this updated so I will do my best.

We moved into our new house in June, and we're still settling in. A lot needs doing, though we've had most of the kitchen fitted, and decorated the dining room. Besides that of course there's the paraphenalia of everyday things-- like tidying stuff up-- and no matter how hard you try there will always be stuff you can tidy up.

We have a home gym now as well. An elliptical trainer, rowing machine, dumbbells, and so I've been doing an upper body workout 3 times a week on top of jog/walking 4 times a week. I'm coming back from a bad injury so got to take it steady. I've also signed up with a running coach over the internet, which is helping to keep me focused. Without it I would have missed some sessions over the past weeks, and probably got injured again, and stopped running. But now at least I'm making progress, and haven't made my injury worse!

Will be jogging in a week or so, rather than jog/walking.

Been quite stressful at work last few weeks, but you don't want to hear about that. Am updating a software database in access, which is an uphill task as it's so out of date. At least it pays the bills!

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