
Jazz Boat without the Jazz

We took another boat trip along the Vtlava aboard the jazz boat, this time during the day and without the jazz. A great way to see Prague as you're a little separate from the throngs of tourists walking the streets. Helen said,
"...Quite nice seeing it in the daylight as well.." then "Don't you like me watching what you're writing?"

I showed her my notepad and she laughed.

Tempted by the beer I chose perrier instead, and looked closely at the bottle. Something else to write down Perrier.com Reminded me of the time 11 years ago when I would only drink beer, and ridiculed an American "friend" for drinking perrier. I say friend in inverted commas because I never did like him, and everyone I knew knew I despised him, so I'm not sure why I'm pretending he was my friend now.

Perhaps I'm afraid he might be reading, and it wouldn't do for someone to know I didn't like them, would it?

Everywhere you look there's Kafka... the Kafka hotel, Kafka cafe... it's like Gregor Samsa awoke one morning and found himself transformed into a giant....restaurant or pivnice. How would a pivnice get to work on time? (Use your Czech dictionary to find out what that means if you can't guess. Or do a search on google)

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