
Getting Back to Running

I've started running again.

Yes I haven't written anything here in a few months, and part of the reason for this is that I haven't been up to much following a car accident a couple of days before Christmas. I didn't break any bones, but I had concussion, whiplash and suffered from delayed shock, and until you experience these things you don't realise how long it takes to recover, or the effects it has on you. It's coming up to 2 months since the accident and I'm almost back to normal.

It has ruined my plans to run a marathon in April, though. I'm getting fitter now, so who knows how fit I'll be in a few months. But, I don't have the time to put in the required distance runs, threshold runs and hill repeats. I'm thinking I will concentrate on 10ks and do some half marathons, then possibly at the end of the year choose a full marathon.


cmf773 said...

Umm...it's been awhile since you've last made a post. Whot's holding you back?

Aaron Thomae said...

Good Job.Check out my new blog and let me know what you think!
