
Newton's Fraction Half Marathon 5th March 2017

Newton's Fraction was my main race in preparation for the Manchester marathon in April. I thought I was in good enough condition to run under 90 minutes, but yesterday's atrocious weather conditions combined with a challenging half marathon course meant this didn't happen.

I would normally go for a warm up of 15 to 20 minutes before a half marathon, however the heavy rain and cold conditions meant I stayed huddled inside with most of the other runners until the last minute run round the track to shelter until called to the start line.

Not the best preparation for a good time. It also didn't help that I had to fish out a long sleeve top that I'd put in at the last moment to put on under my Team Blizard running vest. It was a choice between that and my Clowne Road Runners vest, but I chose the Blizard one as it was more comfortable. I needn't have worried about that, but instead packed something warm; luckily I'd remembered a baseball cap to keep the rain off my glasses, but my gloves stayed at home in the drawer.

The race was really well organised, and marshalls friendly and supportive. It must have been tough standing around during weather like that for 13 miles. Indeed the last runner came in after more than 2 and a half hours, so great stuff from the marshalls, and indeed from any runner for being out there for so long on such a day. I was glad to finish and head for a hot shower after an hour and 33 minutes.

To be honest I don't remember that much of the course. I remember running down the canal, stooping under the bridges, trying not to slip in the mud, keeping steady on the uneven ground. I remember the big hills at around 6 miles, and the hill at 11 miles (if I recall correctly). I remember runners pulling away from me on the hills, then catching them on the downhills.

But most of all I remember the great feeling when I ht the track with 400 metres to go, and being able to put my foot down, and pass several people. I hadn't felt like I'd saved anything for the end, but felt fairly fresh when I'd finished. I also felt a feeling of envy that I hadn't got a number 7 in my running number, as all of these lucky souls were given a free bottle of beer.

A great little half marathon over varied terrain, and definitely one to be experienced.


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