

What is visualisation?

Put simply it's seeing yourself in certain situations. If you can imagine yourself doing something you're really halfway there. Athletes use this technique to see themselves crossing the line first, or getting out of their blocks before anyone else.

The important thing is to first of all visualise something, then follow through and do it. The outcome may not be as you imagined, but by doing the thing over and over (and regular positive visualisation) you will improve. One example could be talking on the phone. You'll get better the more you do it, but talk to yourself beforehand, and visualise yourself being assertive on the phone, and you'll improve dramatically. Soon it will become second nature, and you will wonder why you were nervous about it in the first place.

This applies to almost every new situation in life. It's natural to be apprehensive about new experiences, but these are the ones we need because that is when we grow. The child doesn't worry about this, he just runs around joyfully embracing life as it comes along. But too often adults worry about life, and tense up when they encounter events that might take them away from their habitual actions and thoughts.

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