
Are you Motivated?

Motivation is a strange subject.

If you look at most people the only motivation they have is to go to the pub, or to watch tv. They are happy the way they are; with life as it is. Or so they say. But if you listen to them talking you'll probably come to a different conclusion.

Every fifth word is f---ing, used as an adjective in the same sense as "it's a really great film..." Now, I don't want to sound like an old granny or anything but f- this or f- that said constantly surely has a negative influence on your mind. I know that when I say it my mind and attitude go darker.

I suppose that was a bit of a diversion, but I had to get it off my chest. I know how negative thoughts and words can make themselves real because that has been my mindset on and off over the previous 10 years. It seems like a long time, especially for someone who has loads of positive, motivational books and tapes, and who likes to listen to Brian Tracy & others in the car when I drive.

But I only started to get interested in motivational material about 4 years ago. Previous to that I only knew about goal setting, focusing on an objective and positive thinking from instinct. And I had used my instincts far better in this respect when I was 18 years old. Since that time I'd managed to unlearn these skills (because I didn't have them written down,or have any books on them it was so easy to forget).

I have found that this outside motivation can go part of the way. But for true motivation, the kind that makes you get off your rear and do something consistently, you have to provide that yourself. It has to come from inside.

No amount of motivational rallies, books or motivational tapes can get you to do something for long. It may help for a few days, but you soon slip into old habits. You have to create a fire within yourself to do something out of the ordinary -- whether it's starting your own business, writing a book, creating a website or training for a marathon.

The course that got me interested in motivation and success, and helped me find Brian Tracy and Zig Ziglar was the Winners Live the Dream Course. This has since been rewritten, and retitled Living Free. It covers all the mental aspects of success, and gives solid advice on starting a business.

It's a shame that I havent really followed it's advice since I first got it! If you follow the link on Publishing to the right you can see the Living Free course on Phil Gosling's website. Plus you can download the first 2 parts for free!

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