
Successful Writing

Yesterday I read most of an excellent new ebook by Ken Evoy called Make Your Content Presell. Basically it's all about writing for the web, though it's suitable for anyone who wants to communicate better in writing either online or off.

To quote the author...
"It shows you--

1) how to write to COMMUNICATE

2) how to develop your own "voice" with flair and substance

3) how to make your site/biz/self unique

4) how to honestly convince people to trust and like you.

No other book in the world shows you how to do this. We
live in a world where communication is the most highly prized skill. Without that skill, you're doomed."

Anyway it raised my determination and desire to get a website going all about writing and success. (Something that I need to learn about!)

But, in a world where ebooks can be anything from $29.99 to $99 or more MYCPS is fantastic value at only $9.95. Check it out here--

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