
A Permanent Job? How long for...?

Most people go through life afraid of change. In fact fear is encouraged by society -- watch too much tv, read the newspaper every day and you will gradually become afraid of answering the door, walking down the street, and of everyone from teenagers to vampires.

Once you have a job you're encouraged to stay there, or at least say you're not interested in another one ( but who isn't interested in another job if it pays more?)-- and words encourage thoughts, and thoughts create our reality. Lie to others about staying in a job, and you start to lie to yourself, and gradually you start to believe it.

This might seem a bit vague. Let me illustrate by a phone conversation I had yesterday. The job I have looked like it would end because I had trouble travelling there. So I was forced to actively search for something else. In the process I discovered that other jobs my agency had previously offered me had been given to someone else ( because I'm currently in a job presumably!), but I suppose I'm going off at a tangent. Anyway, a few days before I had emailed my CV to a different agency. They hadn't got back to me so I chased them on the phone.

They wanted to know my long term goal. ( I realise now not my real goal, but I should've made up a pretend goal for their benefit. ) Well, I was tired since I'd been up since 4 am, so I said I wanted to run my own business -- writing books and other things. To this he said, well on one hand you say you want a permanent job, and on the other you want to work for yourself. Those two things don't add up! So I said a permanent job can last for any time, for a year for example. He said, we're not the kind of company who give out permanent jobs to people for just a year. If you want to work for us for a year, you're looking for temporary work.

It makes you laugh, doesn't it? I should have lied, but by not lying I retained control of my mind and destiny. I've found in the past retaining control of my thoughts to be the most important thing, and once you're in a job for example it's so easy to lose control. The natural instinct is to want to do your best, and that desire takes over your day, and it is so easy to temporarily ( or permanently) forget about your real goals.

Many people don't wake up for years, which is what the system wants. You become comfortable in your permanent job, and then you're at the mercy of your company. One day they decide they need to get rid of some staff, and then you're out of a job. So you go from a permanent job to no job in a second.


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