
A Succession of Old (or New??) Ideas.

Ever had an idea that sticks in your mind for a few hours, then after a while you forget about it? You think that was a fantastic idea, what could it have been? You feel important for a while (perhaps a few days), but the idea is lost so you carry on with your life looking for another new idea. Without realising it the new idea is simply a permutation of the apparantly lost idea, and if you're not careful this idea will also be forgotten to be rediscovered later as though it were new. And if you take no action on this succession of new ideas you will basically stay in the same place mentally, spiritually and financially. Some things may be different -- you may have a different job, but it will pay a similar wage. And the same frustrations will dog you for as long as you continue to take little or no action in response to the new ideas.

You can call this a higher intelligence that is trying to show you the way to a more rewarding future. Or it could just be your inner self that already knows the solutions to all of your problems, and wants you to hurry up and get on with it.

So, you might wonder what is my new idea, and how is it the same as an old idea I've had before? My new idea is to put my novel (which needs rewriting, but this would be a good way of making an excuse of rewriting it) into a blog. Or at least the first few chapters, and then to have a link to another web page for people who are interested in reading more. To read the complete book they would have to pay-- but after this they can download it from the site. This is one way of doing it, another way would be to have it in the form of a membership site-- they get a new installment a month in return for the fee. This could be posted in the membership area in the form of a blog as well as the file being sent to all the subscribers.

It might turn out that the readers aren't happy with the book. In that case all they have to do is cancel their subscription, and they won't receive any more installments. No refunds will be issued because they've been allowed to read the first 3 chapters for free anyway.

I first wrote this novel in 1993-4 so you can see how it's an old idea. I probably need to write a new novel, as well as writing non fiction articles.

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