
...computers who'd have em?

........are my computer probs finally at an end??i'm able to write this "entry", something i've not been able to do for the last 2 days. Not easily anyway.

Some things in life people take for granted. Waking up with a beautiful woman. Waking up with any woman. Waking up with 3 cats & 2 dogs in a peaceful country. Eating regularly. Having hot water. And writing email on their computer.

Have i prepared my attack plan to get what i want in life? Been too busy catching up on my sleep. This morning i awoke at 450am, and i had to be on a minibus to go to work at 5 am -- or so i thought. Jumped out of bed, climbed into my clothes, wiped the sleep from my eye, cursed my alarm clock ( why didnt it go off?), threw some things into a carrier bag, put my shoes on, said goodbye to the cats, and dashed out the house at 4:57am. The minibus didnt come until 5;10am. I had barely washed, and hadnt shaved, and felt half asleep all day. Good thing I wouldnt meet any of the general public; I work in a warehouse at the moment.

Brian Tracy says you should do the most important thing first. Not the most urgent, or the task you most enjoy, but the most important task to move you towards your major definite purpose. What is my major definite purpose?

Perhaps for most of my life I have been more concerned with defining my purpose in a negative way. In other words what I dont want to do; what job i dont want; why i cant do something because it doesnt pay any money. For the last 10 years I've been telling myself i can't become a writer because you cant earn money at it. Then i've told myself that's what i want to do, but not done anything much about it because of my strong belief i cant earn money at it. So I've gone from one unrewarding job to the next, not wanting to do any of them, and when i got too bored and could afford to ( sometimes even when i couldnt afford to) went travelling.

If i hadnt gone anywhere, and concentrated on becoming a better marathon runner, as well as a better writer, I would surely be more fulfilled if not more successful. For that is my major definite purpose; something i've forever been coming back to over the last 10 years:-- RUNNING AND SOME KIND OF WRITING.

Writing can be multifaceted, and can show you what you want to do after you've written it. You can write email; write a blog; write letters; write poetry; write song lyrics; or write a novel. You can write articles about topics that interest you, and in this technological age you can post them on a website and make money from them. The trick is making a start and believing in what you're doing. Not listening to all the numbskulls who say you should get a better job, a more challenging job, or something like that. For the answer doesnt lie there. The answer lies in doing something you want to do, something you're good at, something that you enjoy. Do that and the money will follow later.

For you have to give before you receive. (And if I have to make myself bankrupt, why should i be bothered too much about that? To start again financially so that I can do things I want to do, and earn money from them. So that all the money I earn virtually doesnt go to a bank or credit card company, and all that I have to show for my time is a pair of tired feet, and enough cash to buy a takeaway each week. But not enough to pay to go to the dentists, or save up to go on holiday....
But that's enough of those thoughts.)

Some wonderful things have come from my lack of direction of course. I would not be in a long term relationship had I not gone to live and work as a dishwasher in Germany for a year. We would not have our cocker spaniel had I been pursuing a conventional career (he was given to me by an old Kleeneze customer).

It may have taken me a long time to realise this, but I have a successful relationship and many pets because those are the parts of my life I have valued most. More than money. But now it's time to bring some money into my life as well so that I don't lose everything I value, at the same time as pursuing my major purpose
(writing, and finding time for running). If I just pursue money for its own sake I'll be making the same mistake I've made for the last 10 years.

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