
Formula for success.......

I went to Woolworths today looking for the hit single, "show me the way to Amarillo". It's at no.1 in the UK, and all proceeds go to charity. Very catchy, but dated.

It seems there's a rage for old, old music recently. We've had a string of no.1s from Elvis Presley since the New Year (these must be the least played, and perhaps least listened to no. 1s in modern music)


Well, it's Good Friday & the Easter weekend nearly. I don't mean to be controversial, but I can't understand people celebrating the horrific murder of a man over 2000 years ago. (Oh, they're not doing that.....)

Jesus did at least understand the formula for success.

1)a mastermind group-- his "disciples"

2)use metaphor & rhetoric ---speak plainly & people will remember nothing

3)the use of stories --ie. "parables"

4)do not compromise-- put your life on the line if that's what it takes (not many people are prepared to do this, but Gandhi is one who springs to mind)

5)get your stories/history etc written down for posterity --- the "gospels"
(these days you would have to get ebooks written, and promulgated over the internet)

6)appeal to people's stomachs as well as their minds-- loaves & fishes

7)keep on keeping on-- it might take 3 years to succeed

8)believe in what you are doing

9)focus, and don't be distracted

10)get a powerful sponsor --- instead of Mark Joynor (a la Mike Chen & Joe Kumar)he had the Roman Emperor, Constantine.

This is in no way intended to offend anyone! I'm a spiritual person with a "Christian" philosophy, but I don't believe Jesus was the only Son of God. We are all Sons of God in our own way, and perhaps some individuals are more spiritually developed than others. For example, Jesus, Mohammed, the Buddha....

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