
Not Working On Purpose

I didn't do that on purpose.

It was an accident.

I didn't start working on purpose, it just happened.

I never wanted to work anyway. Not just go and do something for money. That's so futile.

I never wanted to be an accountant; I never wanted to be a nurse; never wanted to be a doctor; never wanted to curse, though I learnt.

I didn't awake in the morning and declare, "that's it I'm gonna be a data imputter, & if you can't handle it darling......"

Neither did I awake to say, yes, I think I'll deliver catalogues for a living. No, I know I'll deliver catalogues that'll be a great thing to do.

But neither did I say, I'm going to be a missionary in Africa.

No, I said none of these things. (and there's probably a million other things I didn't say as well) What I did say, or have said, is I want to be a writer. But what does a writer do?

He writes.

And, me what have I done? Not written much.

I didn't do that on purpose either.

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