
You Can Get it if You Really Want

We went to see the film Hitch last night. Helen loved it, I thought it was ok, though it went on far too long in my opinion. You might say it's a chick film. About relationships, & how men should treat women better. Funny in parts, too long, and well Will Smith nearly carries the film.

(Enjoyment rather ruined by a stink of excrement-- animal or human I don't know-- wafting up every now & then. Thought it was people farting behind me, but probably not!)

Moral of the film:

You can get it if you really want. Yes, this song is played several times. To get the woman you want you need to prepare, persevere, but overall have the confidence to be yourself. That's what she likes about you-- if you drop food on yourself she will like it because you're being you.

This can look dangerously like you're manipulating people. Research your dream woman on Google (yes, a screen shot of Google features several times in the movie), know her background so you have leverage.

Of course if you've seen the film you'll know what I'm talking about. Yes, it's worth seeing & teaches you to have the confidence to be yourself.

Then you'll get what you want.

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