
What's more important.....?

I've been asleep for most of today. Well, I got up at 545am, bit later than usual, but you know how it is your alarm goes off & you think I'll just have another 5 minutes, and before you know it it's 45 mins later.

Went out on the bike for well over an hour (to do the morning papers, which are really heavy on a Friday because nearly everyone has the local paper as well).
When I got back I was really tired so had a lie down.

Later I went back to bed and didn't awake until 230pm. Think I've got some serious sleep to catch up on!

What's most important to your future is not what other people think about you. It's not even what you think other's think about you. Rather it's what you think about yourself.

You can't go around worrying what others think or we wouldn't do anything. We're all affected by peer pressure -- even me. Some people to a greater extent than others.

That's what gets people into trouble with the law. To keep up with their friends. To stay cool they have to take the latest drug.

Of course, some people are different, obstinate and don't follow the crowd.

We can change our self-concept by taking action. Also by reading, studying other people, and learning from others and from books. And learning from our lives; we are condemned to repeat the past if we don't learn from it.

Once we change our self-concept we will automatically change the way others see us as a result of our actions.

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