
You can't scatter your way to success

This thought came to me during a quiet time at work (well, that would be all 8 hours of it then.)

If anyone has heard the Mike Litman CD, or receive his emails you'll know what I mean. He talks about the 7 years he wasted because he was too scattered, not focusing on one thing. He was an expert procastinator as well, and he lived in poverty despite having interviewed many millionaires.

Anyway, I thought if I'm not careful I'm going to make similar mistakes to when I ran my own home based business a couple of years ago. Not focussing on the one business, and being distracted by other things. (That was one mistake, there were others, ones I should go into further, but I have to go to the supermarket with Helen in a few minutes.)

Well, I had planned to start another business as a way of earning extra money, but I'm more interested in writing/publishing/building websites. So, (a revelation or epiphany if you like) I decided I should focus on what I most want to do until that is a success.

Because that is how you move forward rather than going round in circles all your life.

(This reminds me of walking in Philadelphia about 8 years ago, and Alex asking me what I was going to do with my life, and I said I was going to write. Or, I probably said I was going to study writing at school....)

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