
Niche sites

Not been running tonight. Stayed in, been on computer, cooked beef stew with mashed potato (very good if I say so myself), had a couple of glasses of French red wine.

Planned to go running, but Helen's not well & she usually goes to the gym when I run. Probably could use the rest.

Been looking at some software to build niche sites with--contentdesk.com & traffic equalizer to name a couple. Contentdesk is a lot of money at $400 a quarter, though if you earn a lot from it it would be worth it. All interesting, and appealing since they automate the building of websites, and the task of building an income.

Though what strikes me most is that they are trying to compete with SiteBuildIt!Of course, SBI isn't automated-- you have to work out which niche will be profitable, then write the articles etc-- rather than feeding some keywords into a program, and pages coming out.

But, if you can do the work yourself, and possibly see a slower return on your money, SBI seems to be the wise choice for creating content rich sites.

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