
That Weekend Feeling

Well, it's Saturday already! Doesn't the weekend come around quickly? Before you know it it's Sunday, then it's Monday again, and you're looking forward to the weekend.

Some people live for the weekend. All week at work that's all they're thinking about--call it the Friday feeling if you like. And on Friday & Saturday they go out clubbing & pubbing, and on Sunday they're hung over. Perhaps even on Monday as well, and then they have to get through the week before they can party again.

I know what it's like. I've done similar things to that before, and enjoyed some of it. After a while it gets boring, but sometimes it's hard to drag yourself away especially if you have to turn your back on friends. Perhaps that might be the only thing you have in common with them --going out drinking-- but still you feel a sense of comradeship & it can be incredibly hard to stop.

Well, I could meander along like this & lose the track of what I was saying. But, no, the point of this is to say: Yes, it's Saturday already, and yes, soon we're back into the working week, but every day can be just as enjoyable as the weekend. As long as you do something enjoyable.... (Ha, but that's stating the obvious!)

Just because your job is boring, or it doesn't use any of your talents, doesn't mean it has to ruin your whole week.

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