
Don't waste energy complaining

Successful people don't moan and complain about life they get on and do something to change things. It's so easy to slip into bad habits-- whingeing about things you don't like, and spending up all your energy in that way so you've got none left to do something to help improve your life.

You've got to get in the NOW and enjoy the moment no matter what that moment might be. It might be a boring executive meeting, or you might be sweeping the street, but whatever it might be you've got to find a way of having fun and relaxing to preserve your energy reserves, and your sanity.

This will help you use your 24 hours of every day to the best of your ability. You'll stay positive, and a 15 minute time slot here can be used to move you towards your major goal.

Writing here might only take 5 minutes, but it's small progress towards my goal, and improves my attitude enormously.

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