
Bank Holiday Weather

As I was out on my bike this morning I overheard someone say........."typical Bank Holiday weather". Yes, it's been raining here, but that doesn't make it typical, nor does it mean it'll rain all weekend. And even if it does it's nothing to get down or uptight about is it?

That reminds me of the phrase "it's miserable out"-- meaning the weather again. I know what they mean, but how can the weather ever be miserable? The weather just is, it is neither happy nor sad. Only human beings can be miserable, and then they blame the weather for their feelings.

It's been slow going promoting my site Online Degree Info
Have submitted a couple of articles to some directories (this will take time to get traffic), and I'll have to do more of that. I saw immediate results from advertising on a couple of safelists. I think it'll take time for the income to be consistent though.

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