
Feelings of success

I'm filled with feelings of success.

Not because I've won the lottery.

Not because i've earnt a £1000 this week.

Not because I've qualified for the Olympics.

No, the reason is that I've achieved a couple of small things today. Not big things, and not big dreams. Small steps on the way to bigger achievements and dreams. It's these small steps that fill you with the motivation you need to keep going, and after many more small achievements you finally achieve your larger dream.

1)A couple of days ago I finally set up my new site (Online Degree Info), and yesterday while I was out enjoying myself in the sun it earnt its first adsense income. Not an enormous amount, but significant nonetheless, and it gives me the knowledge that I'm going in the right direction.

2)Going out running in the sun for over an hour. With Helen on her bike, and our two dogs. Charlie riding in his trailor, and Taffy running ahead, and swimming alongside. This makes me feel even better as i have hardly run all week due to commuting to work, and having an office job.

If I run regularly I know that in the future i can run a sub 3 hour marathon.

These are small steps in the right direction. Larger success will come by having many more smaller successes one after another.

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