
Build not one list, but 2 simultaneously
the List Machine

Do something everyday no matter how small to move yourself, and or, your business forward.

I used to be in a network/mlm business – a GB one, some people may know the name – and the easiest way to earn money was to put catalogues through people’s doors.

It was true that if you needed to earn more money you just put more catalogues out. And, just a few everyday would be better than loads once in a while. Why’s that?

Because it’s easier to do a little everyday than hundreds once a week.

You also form the habit of working on your business everyday. This can create tremendous momentum, and is as true for recruiting others as it is for selling your product.

And this principle of doing something however small everyday will work in any kind of business.

Yes, it’s fairly obvious when you think about it, but it’s easy to forget. And everyone needs a reminder every now and then.

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