
Election Result

As much as it is possible with a post about politics, I'll try to keep this as apolitical as I can.

My polical views are no secret though. And I don't seek to fall out with anyone about them --unless you hold extreme right wing views, but even then I wouldn't fall out with you, just not talk to you!!

One significant feature of the recent British election for me was Michael Howard's rhetoric. He said, "if you're thinking what I'm thinking...send a message to Mr Blair." This is hardly the language of someone going out to win an election. Rather it's the language of a polical leader who wants to diminish Mr Blair's majority. To send a message of protest to him, and gain some more votes.

Note he did not say "it's time for the Conservatives to return to power." Just send a message to Mr Blair. That's one reason perhaps that so many polical commentators repeatedly asked the Tory policians what they were going to do when they lost the election-- it wasn't just based on their poor showing in the opinion polls.

It's a symptom of how far backward the Tories have come that their language is this defeatest. Under Thatcher they talked of governing Britain forever, and they went on and on....until they lost billions gambling on the ERM. It's the Labour Party now who dominate politics, and it's up to Blair and Brown how long they can continue to do so.

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