
Google Adsense

For anyone with a website the following article in USA today is of interest:


Shows you how many people are having success with Adsense, and it must be said that as many people as that are only earning pennies.

The secret is to get massive traffic, and then get people to click on your ads without blatantly asking them to do so. A controversial ebook came out in the last few months by a guy who claimed he was making $xxxxxx from Adsense-- it sold for about $79 I think it was. Well, he did things like having arrows pointing at the ads, which seems a bit dodgy.

He also had a clever auction site in which he had lots of ebay listings, and google ads mixed together so they looked very similar. And I suppose he would earn something whether someone clicked on his link to ebay, or his google ads.

Another way to earn more cash with Adsense is simply to have lots of sites. If your site makes $0.50 a day, then if you've got a 100 similar sites you'll make $50 a day, which can't be bad. If you want more make more sites.

Of course, you can't guarantee how much you will make as people are fickle-- non more so than web surfers.

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