
Reflections of the Lakes

Got back from holiday yesterday. We had an excellent time in the Lake District, but unfortunately I forgot my camera. We'd gone about an hour down the A1 when I remembered, but it was too late to turn back. A shame because I could have taken some wonderful pictures!

I did buy some postcards, so perhaps I can scan these and show them here. It's a possibility. In the meantime you'll have to use your imagination. You're standing in a field surrounded by tents and cars. You look to the left and there's a beautiful mountain range. Awe inspiring. You think about the effort it'll take to climb it, and how your legs will ache once you're up there; but it'll be worth the effort. Also, think that you need to be careful as once false step, and you could be in trouble.

You look to the right and there's another awe-inspiring mountain range. The sun is beating down-- it's fantastic to be alive.

Yes, we were surrounded by great hills and fantastic scenery-- a far cry from the grime of the town where we live.

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