
Reflections on Old American Friends Pt 1

I lived with Jeff and Alex for a year in the Czech Republic.

Not quite true. Alex visited for perhaps 6 months, I can't remember exactly it may have been longer. One reason he stayed so long is that he met his future wife, Zdenka on his first Czech train. He was taking the train to Bruntal, a small Czech town near the Polish border to visit his friend Jeff, who was teaching English there.

And, of course he was having too much fun to leave. Drinking beer and talking, he didn't want to go back to Philadephia -- back to working in a restaurant, and chasing boring American girls.

Jeff didn't want to work at McDonalds so he went to teach English in Czech.

I needed to do something better than signing on the dole in England; so I got a job teaching English as well.

(To be continued.)

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