
The pitfalls of Network Marketing

Network marketing in one form or another is everywhere these days. Computers and the internet make this possible because without computers mlm companies wouldn't be able to work out all those percentages to pay their distributors.

Sure, network marketing is a viable and potentially profitable form of business. If you start a network marketing business, though, remember that it will require a high level of commitment and hard work. It may sound easy -- get 5 to join, who in turn find 5, and in no time at all you'll have a network of 25...and if they all produce sales of $£xx each you will be earning a full time income from part time work.

One problem with this is it is dependant on other people. So, you will have to work very hard for a time in order to earn money (if you have no network), and with the spiel that brought you into the business this can be discouraging and demotivating.

Also, don't forget that this is essentially a form of sales. Depending on how your company operates you are looking for sales for your product(s) in various ways.

**over the internet
**speaking to people face to face
**pushing a brochure through people's doors
**going to people's place of work

And in looking for people to fill your network you are selling as well. Or, fishing for men, if you like, but this is still sales. There are innumerable ways in which to find people-- either through advertising or speaking to people. The more people you speak to whether they are friends or family, or strangers( ie. people you haven't met yet), the more chance you will have of building your network.

And this is where people fall down.

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