
The Number 1 Reason for Failure in Network Marketing

Failure is not so straightforward in network marketing as you might think because there are innumerable example of people who have gone through tremendously tough times to finally after years of work and struggle to succeed. Other people give up, and fail.

As I've said talking to hundreds of people and only 1% of them choosing to join you, and then maybe half of that number quitting within a few months, can be discouraging and is perhaps the number one reason network marketing distributors quit. It is also what enables the successful distributors to succeed. This attrition rate keeps the field open for the existing distributors.

They say that success is a numbers game, and in network marketing success is measured in the numbers of people you sponsor, the number of people you help to succeed, and inevitably the number of people who quit.

You cannot really escape from this fact.

If you cannot stomach this rejection, but want to earn an ever-increasing income from the internet in a revolutionary advertising business I whole heartedly recommend this Advertising Business with a Difference

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