
Job interview

I've got the day off today to go for an interview. It's for a local job at a clothes distribution centre, so if I get it I won't be spending upto two hours a day commuting. That will be a relief. Also, tired of the futility of pushing papers around where I work at the moment; in any case this job ends at the end of July so I need to find something else.

A woman at work said "is that what you really want to do?" I didn't reply as I'm tired of well meaning questions like this. I could have said "it's better than this..." Anyway, the pay is far better and I need to prepare questions to find out more about it. If I get it it'll give me extra money-- part of which I can reinvest in my online business.

Anyway, gotta get ready and prepare a little; I'll let you know how I get on.


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