
Explosions in London

Just got back from interview. Got mixed feelings about how it went. Seemed to go well but when it'd finished thought it hadn't gone so well. He said he's interviewing around 50, and out of that number he'll choose 25 to 30. Those people will be invited to meet the site manager in a few weeks time, and he will choose the 15 people he thinks are best suited to the job.

The job isn't difficult, but they have to have some system to sort through people!

What a difference a day makes. Yesterday there was euphoria in London as it was announced that they'd won the right to host the Olympics in 2012. Today there's explosions and reports of a bus near Russell Square being blown apart, and the Underground grinding to a halt.

It's fantastic that we've got the Olympics and we shouldn't let terrorists distract from the fact. Let's hope there isn't much loss of life.

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