
London bombs death toll rises.

Since I wrote last the death toll from the London bombs has been rising steadily. Plus the police say there's probably more still trapped in the Underground. Also, Birmingham city centre was evacuated last night with the controlled explosion of 2 suspicious packages on buses. I know that one of them was harmless, not sure about the other perhaps someone else knows?

There have been conflicting reports in the papers about the identity of these terrorists. One headline says they are almost certainly "home grown". Another headline states that they are foreign nationals who most probably have fled from France after a recent security crackdown. (Good way to boost the popularity of your newspaper; inadvertently blame France for your misfortunes.)

Another headline I say says that a Moroccan is the ringleader behind it, and links him to the Madrid bus bombings last year. Then, I hear on the news that he says he's nothing to do with it, the police know where he lives, and he wishes people would stop spreading these lies.

Which brings us to the conclusion that the police know that
a)someone left the bombs
b)it was either:

(i)home grown terrorists
(ii)foreign terrorists
(iii)a mixture of the two
(iv)they cannot be sure who did it

c)the newspapers claim they know more than the police, and who can disbelieve them?
d)Perhaps the secret services know more than the police, or the newspapers, but it's their job to keep it secret; if they told everyone it'd make it even more difficult to catch the perpetrators.

Speculation of this kind doesn't help anyone, but everyone wants to know who did it, and stop them from repeating their terrible act.

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