
Shocking tragedy of suspected terrorist

As we now know the shooting of a suspected terrorist in London is a shocking tragedy. He was a Brazilian in his late 20s, who happened to leave a suspected house, was wearing a padded jacket, and because he failed to stop when asked to do so -- he was pursued onto a tube train and killed.

Peculiar behaviour that led to his death. I've lived abroad in Germany and the Czech Republic for a few years, and in those countries it was much more usual to see armed police on the streets. One thing you would not do would be run from police carrying weapons-- whether they are in plain clothes or not. That is asking for trouble.

So, there are plenty of unanswered questions surrounding this unnecessary death, and ones that hopefully will be addressed when they have the official enquiry.

From this incident it seems that the terrorists have won -- they have made people fearful of using public transport, and wary of going to London. And besides killing innocent people that is surely the main aim of terrorists.

The photo at the top of the page is of Taffy, my Cocker Spaniel. He's incredibly trusting and faithful, and will follow you around the house. If you go upstairs, he wants to be with you. If you go downstairs he'll come downstairs. Thought it'd make this blog more interesting.

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