
Changing Perceptions of time

It never fails to amaze me how time passes so quickly. Only seems a few days ago that I was living in Germany; a few weeks ago that I was at University; perhaps a week or 2 ago that I was in the Czech Republic.

In fact it's 12 years since I graduated from University; five years since I was in Germany; around 10 years since I lived in the Czech Republic. When we are children the summer seems to last forever; when we are on holiday the two weeks away seems an eternity. But as we get older are perception of time turns on its head, and half a year can slip away without us really noticing. Before we know it it's Christmas again, and we have to ask ourselves what have we achieved since last Christmas.

Yes, it's only July but soon it'll be the end of the year. So what have I achieved?

1)Started putting niche sites online-- earning a little from them, all I need really is more visitors.
2)Learning a lot from places like the Warrior forum.
3)Have an excellent business for the future that you can find out more about here Innovative Advertising
4)Am largely free from credit card debt for the first time in possibly 10 years.

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