
Christmas Running & Festive Cheer

I've been running well since my last post. I've eased off a little over the past few weeks. Generally running every other day, with the exception of the weekend when I have to run on both Saturday and Sunday. My leg hasn't got any worse; hasn't got any better either. But it doesn't hurt when I run, so I'm sure it'll clear up on its own.

When I remember to I've been putting ice on it-- as recommended at the running club. Put ice on it for ten minutes, then allow to warm back up for an hour, then ice again. I have to admit that I haven't got to the ice again stage!

Christmas has been a good relaxing time. Eaten a little too well at times-- too much meat and chocolates (not on the plate at the same time!)Had quite a bit to drink as well. But, I've probably been quite moderate compared to most.

I've been running most days. Even did an easy run on Christmas day morning, which was great because I only saw two cars, and most people were still in bed. Only saw two people walking their dogs.

Got too many presents to mention. Two great music cds though-- Kate Bush's Aerial, and the new Stevie Wonder, A Time to Love. Have played them over and again. Went to bed early last night and drifted off to the soul sounds of Mr Wonder.

Thinking that we'll go to Prague next September for a few days. There's an international 10k race on, and we can fly for a short break quite cheaply. Helen's never been to Prague before, so that'll be a great experience.

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