
A slight setback

Since posting here last I've developed a running injury. It doesn't give me any pain, and if it wasn't for the swelling I wouldn't feel any need to ease off with my running.

How do I know it's a running injury? Well, I went for a long run with the club -- we ran for about 80 minutes in the dark on roads and pavements with fast bits thrown in. Thinking about it my foot and leg did "tingle" in places. Anyway, at the end I was pretty shattered, and glad to stop and have a shower.

The next morning I got up, and got in the shower before going to work. As I was washing my leg I noticed a strange swelling near my ankle. What was this I thought? Strange, what could have caused that?

After speaking to someone at work I realised that it must be related to the run I did the night before.

Well, since then I've eased off a bit. This week I've run three times, with another run planned for tomorrow. That's in contrast to the 5 or 6 times a week I was running before this. To be honest it hasn't improved much with taking extra rest days, and running on it doesn't make it any worse. And I'm not in any pain.

So over the next week I'll run 3 or 4 times, then maybe more the following week. And gradually get back into it. Quite an odd injury though, that doesn't give you any pain or stop you from running.

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