
Corporate Lifestyle

I have lived in Germany and the Czech Republic, and even the USA (how long was that for?? A couple of months, correct me if I'm wrong-- had a brief job there in accounts for 3 days, they thought I was a qualified accountant but really I've got an O-level in Maths, and no knowledge of accounts beyond a calculator), and all the time the main worry was lack of money, where I would find more money, then how many pints of beer I would drink, and how my life would change if I had more money or time.

If I had a well paid job.....

Well I don't have a well paid job, but I'm earning more than I used to and at least its secure. The same feeling Jeff had when he worked for AOL.

And, when my internet businesses grow enough, and my running reaches fantastic heights I will pack this work in.

1 comment:

Matthew Russell said...

Risk without security is like a chicken crossing the road without body armour.