

Walking around Prague, now stopped in an internet cafe for a few minutes. It's very warm in here, they should have a fan. Had an espesso, Helen had a Sprite, one you can drink not a goblin like in those adverts.

One of the most notable things we've done today is....bought a pair of crocs. Have a look at Crocs Being sold in an English bookshop hidden away in a little square next to a pivnice. We walked in just to have a browse at the books, and not buy anything, and 15 minutes later walked out with 2 pairs of crocs. Will take me a while to get used to wearing them as they are similar to clogs, but lightweight and from Boulder, Colorado. Popular in the USA apparently.

Web addresses are everywhere in Prague, and the Czechs seem to use the net more than the English, or perhaps it's just that we're in a capital city when we normally live in a quaint backwater.

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