
Decide what you want

The more decisions you make, the better you get at making decisions; the more likely the decision will be in line with what you want in life....

This is a bad paraphrase of a post by Gary Vurnum at
Our Success Partnership" He makes it sound inspiring.

1)Know what you want
2)Decide how you're going to get it
3)Do what you need to do
4)Get what you want

You may not find the way straight away; your decisions may be flawed, but this is not the time to give up. If you give up you won't get what you want (you will fail). You need to keep on dreaming big, looking for the way forward, and becoming clear about what you want.

At some point -- sooner or later-- you'll get what you want. If you don't know what you want you can never get it!

1 comment:

cmf773 said...

How true Fuge. My decision to leave my previous job to take a new job seemed solid, but turned out to be flawed. The new company is closing, only 7 weeks after hiring me, but I am not discouraged. It is merely a learning experience. Now, off to the wine...