
Write On or Press delete

I wanted to write something here before I go to sleep. I'm exhausted after early starts all week, and staring at a computer screen bored silly all week. (No, I'm not talking about this blog)

Hey, don't we get an awful lot of spam? Jeeze, I look thru the junk folder every day at work, and man it's terrible. On Monday there were over one thousand eight hundred spam emails-- mostly selling viagra, or some other potion to make you last long in bed.... or to get thin just by popping a pill.

Someone must respond to them, or they wouldn't send them out? Or would they? If it cost the mailer .30 pence to send an email maybe they would think twice before sending out five thousand. If only .00000001% asked for more information from their correspondence maybe they would send out less emails, or change their message.

How many times does the email have random text in it seemingly literate ramblings that might be from a pulp novel, then have a message below it giving stock tips, or a miracle way to extend your manhood?

It's not just spam that's annoying. If you've been online for any length of time, and if you've subscribed to any internet marketing emails there will come a time when you get sick of email after email recommending a new ebook, or way to make money. Some of these are useful, but you can only take so much.

The only person you can blame is yourself; you signed up for the newsletter. And, I'm guiltier than most-- I seem to get tons of these ezines. Sometimes you just have to delete them, and unsubscribe. If you want you can always resubscribe at a later point.

Too many ezines though, and you get too scattered; too much information coming at you from all directions, and you won't make any progress.

On that note I have a newsletter myself that I've just started... Go to FugeSpeaks to sign up, or just send an email to fugespeaks@freeautobot.com


Matthew Russell said...

It'd be great to see you anytime. You could come running.

cmf773 said...

Perhaps a pub crawl? I do intend to visit sometime soon.

Matthew Russell said...

we could have a couple of jars...Don't drink much though.

cmf773 said...

Har har har, very funny!!

cmf773 said...

Helloooo?? Time for another blog...and this time with photos. Yes, I am a demanding American...or as we say "Murcan".

Matthew Russell said...

Hey jeff

This blog is out of date....I've been keeping www.fugespeaks.com and http://fugespeaks.bloglanding.com more up to date.