

Yes, STA is over, long live STA! In truth it has been limping along for over a year, and the advantage is I didn't invest thousands in it. I know plenty of people put in big sums of money-- in truth the advertising credits were too expensive unles they guaranteed you a good income from spending half an hour a week reading.

And that was the advantage of STA over other surfing sites. You only had to spend half an hour a week. Because however you dress it up, STA was really a surfing site. You browsed ads for 30 minutes a week -- how is that radically different from a manual surfing site?

Not that different in my opinion. I have advocated CEP, and the CEP family of surfing programs on the STA forum. On their profit sharing coasting programs you have view 15 sites a day, then you get rebates on your own advertising purchases. They pay ever day to CEP Trust, and it is easy to transfer your earning to egold, or withdraw to a US bank account via AFH.

CEP seems to have everything that STA wanted to have but for some reason couldn't implement. If you are interested in any of the CEP programs send an email to fugespeaks AT googlemail.com

Update 2008
Well, CEP & all of their programs are still stuck in the courts under investigation from the SEC. Another one hits the dust!

Just right it down as experience!

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